Sunday, February 17, 2008

Where they reached

Picked up Flaubert's Madame Bovary from the book fair. The first time I had heard of it was from an abstract from Will Durant published as a small paperback and titled, "Great men of Literature". I later read another of Durant's masterpieces - "The Stroy of Philosophy". And I shall never forget the prose and the passion behind it.

Read more about Will Durant at


This is my first post using email. Spent the whole of Sunday evening
exploring Nice functions for your blog - including traffic
stats for your feed. I set up a feed which means that this blog will
start being different. Need to have the rights things to say and say

smsgupshup from was a damp squib. I never got the
verification code that I was supposed to and that too after repeated
attempts. Indian websites will never be as reliabale as twitter or
orkut or facebook. Quality is a habit - not here though! What the
hell did you expect? This is a free service. But so is blogger or
feeder or twitter.