Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Posting across platforms now with "posterous"

One does not get to hear too much about utilities like tweetdeck or posterous or ping.fm in general conversation in physical space - perhaps because not many of those I know there are really interested. This is convenient - I have just added Facebook (which I hardly ever visit on the web), linkedin, twitter and blogger on posterous. A focussed post on Jennifer Aaker's Brand Perception Scale led to Evanreas, an ex-Stanford student following me and I following him which led to my finding tweetdeck and then by following Percival whom Evanreas was following, posterous.

I am not surprised by the learning path - Social Networking is also one of Aaker's teaching and research interests which accidentally got me to the right information I wanted. I bet that if I were to follow David Aaker (assuming he is on Twitter too), I would serendipitously (or now, not so serendipitously) end up with loads of information on Branding Strategies and Brand Research. I'll try this track or a similar one in a few days and keep you guys posted. 

However, it would have been much better had I had posterous as a desktop icon. I strongly recommend posterous to all of you - its much more convenient to attach photos, Videos and MP3s to  your email then having to upload this stuff to these sites. What's more, these guys also support Picassa and Flikr and YouTube. 

Looks like, I can now be more regular and not have to disappear every once in a while. Also, I need to be able to post to evernote using my email and then sync between the web and local versions when I find time.

Posted via email from yusof's posterous

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