Friday, February 5, 2010

A Few Useful Links in the Net Promoter Score Debate

Have been unable to update this for sometime. Shorter, more frequent  updates would be more convenient. Here are a few updates (I expect Posterous to somehow screw-up the bullet-point formatting again):

  • The Nielson Consumer Outlook for 2010 at:
  • The NPS discussion on MRGA-LinkedIn where I participated actively is here
  • Here are some good papers from peer reviewed journals on linking Customer Satisfaction/Loyalty metrics to financial performance of firms and the NPS debate:
  1. Full text of Gupta and Zeithaml: Customer Metrics and Their Impact on Financial Performance, (Marketing Science Vol. 25, No. 6, November–December 2006, pp. 718–739). This paper is also important for the thrust on CLV as a metric
  2. Full text of the celebrated Journal of Marketing article by Keiningham et al: A Longitudinal Examination of Net Promoter and Firm Revenue Growth (Journal of Marketing Vol. 71 (July 2007), 39–51)
  3. Keiningham et al's related paper: The Value of Different Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Metrics in Predicting Customer Retention, Recommendation and Share of Wallet (Managing Service Quality 17(4), 2007, 361-384) 
There are a few more but these are sufficient to follow the debate. And oh! Reicheld's original paper that started it all: The One Number You Need to Know (Harvard Business Review, December, 2003). 

BTW, when reviewing the NPS debate, do not forget that Reichheld's article with Sasser in the HBR - Zero Defections: Quality Comes to Service (Harvard Business Review, 68(5), 105-111) remains a classic that set off the customer loyalty emphasis among management practitioners and market research professionals alike. 

Posted via email from Noumenon - The Wayfarer's Stack

1 comment:

Rob Markey said...

This is helpful.

For a few more links to other parts of the debate, I've been keeping a bunch of resources at Try the Additional Resources page in addition to the recent blog post summarizing and linking to a few more recent articles.