Sunday, January 24, 2010

Flip Mining - the FlipKart way

FlipKart is the Indian or desi, as the pop-culture term goes, version of Amazon. The site is great for Indian buyers if you know what you are looking for and you will usually get a discount over Amazon prices. The flip in Flipkart is the data-mining bit. Apparently, the sites data mining capabilities are limited to a primitive word search across fields with no respect for library cataloging, leave alone market basket analysis a-la Amazon. I accessed the site for curiosity and hitting Nancy Duarte's "Slide:ology" returned a number of recommendations on 'similar' books - three of these were from the Nancy Drew series while another appeared to an attempt at Jane Eyre (Nancy by Rhoda Broughton).

Searching the site again for "Presentation" did return a number of books on the subject though the collection is not great going by the recommendations of Nancy Duarte and Garr Reynolds. Interestingly, Guy Kawasaki is cited as an author for PZ though the introduction makes clear that GK only wrote the foreword. Though we understand that FlipKart' ability to do a market basket would be limited by the low traffic for any one title, it's time they did something about their cataloging at least and returned serious results. 


Posted via email from Noumenon - The Wayfarer's Stack

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