Monday, January 25, 2010

In-depth + Survey for Uncertainty Management

Searching for dynamic heat maps - serendipitously discovered this excellent paper on a application of a qualitative methodology designed to assist managers assess strategic uncertainty which is contextualized here in business-environmental terms (rather than game theoretic terms). The authors suggest using impact and likelihood scores from managers within an organization to assess both, opportunities and exposure, following from strategic uncertainties on each of different uncertainty categories. In step 1, a qualitative approach is proposed to understand the sources of uncertainty followed by impact/likelihood ratings on 5-point scales (I would use 10 to cover greater range and also because likelihood ratings being subjective probability measures are better captured in the wider 10-point scale, especially if you are interviewing business managers). The result is a 16 quadrant map - with the quadrants for exposure being mapped onto the 4 quadrants for potential. Each quadrant then suggests a specific generic strategy for uncertainty management which I have tabulated in the picture above.

Read the paper at

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