Monday, January 11, 2010

"Focus"sing Ford: A Spectacular Branding Story

The new Ford global car is aptly called "Focus". In a year when GM and Chrysler went bankrupt, Ford was well on way to reconsolidating, shedding flab and building new "focus" on the consistent delivery of a global brand. Refocussing from many different local designs to a global design (with minor tweaks to suit local tastes), a plethora of advertising campaigns to a few major ones,  and from a dispersed hierarchical bureaucracy often at odds with each other to "One Brand...One Goal", Alan Mulally was planning strategic focus on a brand that is global and consistently so - communicating this externally to markets and internally to employees. This meant a change in work-systems and flows, product line width, engineering philosophy and a change in marketing philosophy. The Ford "Focus" is aptly named and for the first time, an American car hopes to take on Toyota in the small passenger car segment. This is likely to become the most spectacular case study in branding from the first quarter of this century.

Follow up this great story at: (The Guardian tech blog)

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