Saturday, January 16, 2010

Revamped my blogs

I had started this as a private blog (viewable only to myself) and had decided to go public with the contents well after the things had changed completely - a new semiosis had set in - meaning was being constructed in entirely different ways - and had decided initially to retain the personal rather than start a new blog because it gave a perspective  in terms of old contexts - but the meanings having changed, memory came into play so that the old contexts were no longer  associable to any distinct memories to the extent that one is no more aware of what/who was being referred to or why. 

Remember that one allusion was to a particularly erudite and ill-behaved neighbor who liked to hold forth on everything under the sun and enjoyed beating me at chess and TT and the other, to his equally vociferous and erudite wife who enjoyed beating me at chess alone. But people move forth and what was once a particularly helpless situation of tolerance is now a correspondence of mutual learning. The old blog, therefore had to go, not the least because it was in the public sphere, but also because it's focus had changed from the inner to the outer - and this act of deletion was itself a part of the hermeneutics, a new construction of meaning.  

Thus old posts have disappeared and some have new headers and were edited 

Posted via email from Noumenon - The Wayfarer's Stack

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