Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Knowledge Web Live

I was typing this into Google Sidewiki on Google Chrome even as I was attending a live seminar. Here is what I had jotted down (content is edited for typos etc.) -

I am watching a live seminar on Web Science: An examination of the World Wide Web and how it is transforming our society – Arikia Millikan and Nate Silver - right now on Upstream. "Twitter was an upgraded version of Status Updates on AOL Messenger".I was earlier in a session where one of the participants had pointed out that from search engine optimization, we may be moving towards social graph optimization.

The live seminar which I am attending also allows me to use the Social Stream feature to discuss the talk with other virtual attendees using Twitter.

I think, in India, while there is a lot of buzz being created by Shashi Tharoor, we are still to wake up to what is happening - very few knowledge workers are waking up to how SN tools can be used for knowledge exchange in real time - in a seminar, for example.I say this on account of the relatively weak buzz around the new technology.

The other question, when you consider the nature of exchange here - live vs. recorded is whether Google will also come up with a similar product and link it to YouTube. Also, what happens to large organizations in the IT/web innovation space? Are we likely to see a surge in diffused innovation?

As an aside it's sad that Vodafone does not have an Indian Twitter number for texting tweets.

in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)

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